How Can I Access In-Warehouse Receipts in My Online Account?

When you make an in-warehouse purchase at any Costco Warehouse in Australia, you can view a copy of the receipt through your online account. Receipts will be available from the 22 March 2024. Your receipt will appear within 24 hours of your purchase.

Note: You can view transactions for purchases on the website by going to the "My Orders" tab of your online account. See the Guide to Your Account Details for more details.

Sign in to your online account

1. Sign in to your online account

Log in to your online account with your username and password. Once you're logged in, hover your mouse over "My Account" link in the top right of the screen. Then click on "My Warehouse Receipts" from the dropdown menu.

An online account isn’t created automatically when you sign up at a warehouse, you must register online.


Specify your in-warehouse purchase date

2. Specify the month of your purchase

On the My Warehouse Receipts page, select the month of your in-warehouse purchase from the "Showing..." dropdown. You'll see a summary of all transactions made on that particular month.


Viewing and printing your receipt

3. Viewing and printing your receipt

From the summary, choose the particular receipt you wish to view and click on the "View Receipt" button in blue. A copy of the receipt will pop up.

There are three things you can do with the pop up receipt screen:

  • Print the receipt - click on the printer icon with the link that reads "Print Receipt" at the top left of the receipt.
  • Save as PDF - select "Print" and then in your printer options, choose "Save as PDF".
  • Close and exit screen - click the "X" button at the top right of the screen or on the blue close button at the bottom to close the pop-up receipt.