Elegance Bouquet
Item #55689
Price includes delivery
Item may be available in your local warehouse, prices may vary
Featuring fragrant oriental lilies, classic white roses and chrissies amongst the modern shapes of green disbuds and snapdragons, Elegance Bouquet adds grace to any room. An elegant, crisp white and lush green arrangement, it is the perfect bouquet for any gifting occasion.
Please note:
We send the freshest of flowers so the lilies may be sent in bud form to ensure they are safe during delivery and last as long as possible.
Vase not included.
Deliveries will occur between 9am and 6pm on the chosen day.
Please note:
We send the freshest of flowers so the lilies may be sent in bud form to ensure they are safe during delivery and last as long as possible.
Vase not included.
Deliveries will occur between 9am and 6pm on the chosen day.