Native Beauty BouquetNative Beauty Bouquet

Native Beauty Bouquet

Item #207308


Price includes delivery

Item may be available in your local warehouse, prices may vary

Flowers are available for next business day delivery, excluding public holidays and special days (i.e. Valentines Day, Mothers Day etc).


Native Beauty Bouquet

Bringing forth a rich tapestry of native Australian beauty, This bouquet, inspired by the rugged terrain and the vast outback, showcases the vibrant desert red banksias, delicate blush pink proteas, silvery tetragona nuts, resilient leucadendrons and the tufty brilliance of yellow dryandras, all thoughtfully intertwined with harmonizing foliage.
While the aim is to showcase the current colours and prominent varieties. Be assured that any substitutions made will uphold the original quality.

Vase not included.
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  •  Online orders are delivered to a home or business address only.
  •  Additional transit days may be required for remote areas.
  •  Delivery times may be impacted by adverse weather conditions.
  •  Please note that we are unable to ship to PO boxes and parcel lockers.
  •  Post code delivery restrictions may apply for certain items.
  •  Public holidays may affect delivery lead times.
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  •  For change of mind, returns and exceptions to what can be returned, see Costco's Return Policy.
  •  Our returns policy for change of mind does not limit any of your rights under Australian Consumer Law.
  •  Items purchased online can be returned at any of our Australian warehouses.
  •  Many of our small items can be returned via “My account” on the website.
  •  Please securely pack the items you intend to return in a box. If you are using the original packaging, be sure to remove the delivery label.
  •  You can print a return label by visiting “My account”. This label must be attached to the box being returned.
  •  If you need to return a larger item, please contact our Member Care team via the chat function on our website or call (03) 5316 7223.

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