Triple green smoothie Triple green smoothie

Load up on vitamin C and fibre with this winter smoothie.


Makes 2 cups


5 minutes



  • 3 green kiwifruits, peeled and diced
  • 1 large green apple, cored, diced and skin left on
  • 1 cup (approx. 80g) tightly packed spinach leaves
  • 3cm knob of fresh ginger, grated
  • 2 tsp fresh lime juice
  • ¾ cup apple juice


Place all of your ingredients in a blender or food processor in the order listed.
Combine ingredients on high speed until pureed, or desired consistency is reached. Serve chilled with ice, if desired.


If you have a high-speed blender, rub the kiwifruit with a soft cloth to remove most of the fuzz and dice without peeling. The apple juice can be replaced with low fat cow’s milk, almond milk or coconut drinking milk. For added creaminess, include yoghurt or diced avocado to taste. Chia seeds or spirulina can also be added.

Originally published in The Costco Connection, Jul/Aug 2021. Pick up the latest copy at your local warehouse or read it online.